There is a common belief that eyelash extensions will damage your natural lashes. But this could not be further from the truth. 

When lash extensions are properly applied by a certified lash technician, they will not damage your natural lashes but instead they will enhance your eyes and provide a fuller lash look.


1. The lash extensions poke your eyes

If the extensions were not applied correctly and the lashes are stuck together or to the skin, it can poke or irritate your eyes. 

When your eyelashes begin growing out this can cause your actual eyelashes to fall out and interrupt the growth cycle. If the glue gets onto your skin, this may cause a serious reaction and/or infection.

Lash extensions should not hurt or cause discomfort after they have been applied or as they are growing out. You should be able to brush through them easily from base to end.

2. Can’t brush through your extensions

This happens when too much glue has been used and the lashes are stuck together. It can lead to natural lash damage and breakage. If the extensions are properly applied, you should be able to brush through your lashes easily without any discomfort.

3. Your lash extensions appear fake, heavy and clumpy

Eyelash extensions are specifically customised for each client. An experienced lash technician will offer a consultation at your appointment to create a set that is flattering to your individual eye shape.

If your lash extensions look dirty and clump together, it means you are not cleansing your eyes properly and regularly. Your lash technician must walk you through the aftercare process following your first eyelash appointment. Inadequate care for your lashes can cause infection, or irritation in and around the eyes.

When a proper set of eyelash extensions are applied you should not be able to feel a thing, it should look neat and beautiful as an extension of your natural lashes.

4. Your natural lashes keep falling out

If you’re finding multiple natural lash roots that come out with your extensions, please stop seeing your current lash technician! 

This happens when natural lashes aren’t isolated properly. The constant tugging and pulling will cause lash loss. 

An extension or a handmade volume fan must be carefully applied to the individual natural lash that you have.

5. Your lash extensions twist, flip or lay sideways after a few days

If you are struggling to keep your lash extensions straight, even though you brush it down, this may be because the extensions are too long or too thick, which causes the extension to spin/twist and droop. 

The lash extension may also be applied incorrectly – extensions should be applied at a right angle to the lash line.

6. Your lash appointment only take 20 mins

Eyelash extension application takes time and if your technician is rushing through the appointment, it is a huge red flag. It could mean your lashes don’t last as long as

they’re supposed to or your technician may not be following the proper health and safety


7. Your extensions are all one length from the inner to the outer eye

This happens with the lash technician hasn't considered eye shape or thought about what would suit you best when applying your lashes.

Using extensions that are too long for short natural lashes might cause harm for your natural lashes

  • It breaks my heart when I see new clients come in with lashes that have not been properly applied. Unfortunately, there are lash technicians out there who are not correctly trained and your natural lashes could be damaged if the lash extension service is not of high quality.

  • At Libre Lash, we are natural lash’ health specialists, which means YOUR NATURAL LASH HEALTH IS OUR PRIORITY. We work with you to pick the lash style that suits you best to achieve your ideal look without damaging your natural lashes.

With proper training, application and quality products, you can wear eyelash extensions indefinitely with your natural lash health intact and thriving. Just ask any of our long time clients! Contact us today to book your next appointment!